Tuesday 21 February 2012


Unfortunately, my son who had the cycling accident on Saturday which resulted in stitches in his chin and a hairline jaw fracture has taken a turn for the worse today and has seen two doctors and had a trip to A&E Department at the Countess of Chester Hospital, I am now awaiting his return from Chester and then am having to take him to Aintree Hospital for an overnight stay as the Countess of Chester Hospital cannot accommodate him tonight as they are having an audit tomorrow! Hopefully things may be better tomorrow.


  1. Hi Gill, it was 1.30 a.m. when we left Aintree this morning. We are going to see him this afternoon, we thought there would have been a bed ready as COCH said there would be but we had to wait once again in A&E there so don't really know much, they took stitches out at chester but he had infection in blood and they were frightened h e might choke. He looks dreadful.
